Seabiscuit v War Admiral
Artist David Dent:
"They are intended to be quite graphic...the style of Boys Own or Batman comics or action posters of my youth but in oils ..a little stylised glossy blocky and angular in fashion...though I have used black underbase and then my own richer black on top. So quite bold and fitting the heroic nature of the subject. The subjects are Seabiscuit...the horse that optimised it was possible to dream coming from humble beginnings to challenge the great War Admiral need in the purple. Their duels captured the spirit of the age. So too the next one Arkle v Mill House. In any other age Mill House would have been the greatest but he came up against the legend that was Arkle from Ireland and this would inspire the Irish to come to dominate jumps racing on a world stage. Then from this year...the glamour of Might Bite...versus the dour stayer that has done it the hard way winning the Welsh National and Hennessy on route to winning the Gold Cup after a thrilling duel. I think the latter two are both truly great horses. These are duels and names that should stir the blood."